Friday, July 31, 2009


Syukur alhamdulillah aku sudah dapat kerja tetap dan hanya tuhan yang tahu kegembiraan yang aku ada....hanya tuhan yang tahu syukur yangku sembahkan dan hanya tuhan yang tahu kesedihan yang hampirku akhiri....

ketikaku dapat tahu aku dapat kerja..betapa meraungnya hatiku...menangis jiwaku...nafasku bagai terhenti...betapa gembiranya aku...percaturan yang Allah aturkan kini kusyukuri...aku langsung menangis....

MAMA...bila ianya tahu...titis airmatanya berderai dipipinya...aku mengerti kerna susah payah yang telah dilaluinya menemaniku sepanjang hayat mencari masa depanku kini sudah berbaloi...tangisnya aku mengerti dan aku bersyukur kerna aku mampu lakukan untuknya...satu cahaya akan pasti datang...

BAPA...raut wajahnya yang tua dan penuh kesedihan tidak dapat membayangkan perasaannya...namun aku masih mampu mengerti...airmatanya mengalir mewmbuatku terus akan membahagiakanmu...itu janjiku...

DOAKU....Ya Tuhan kini kau tolonglah aku membantu anak watan yang ku kasihi untuk mencapai cita2 mereka...sama sepertiku untuk membantu ibubapa mereka...Ya tuhan jadikanlah aku guru yang yang dedikasi dan terus bersemangat serta kau pimpimlah aku kejalan keredhaanmu ya tuhan...Engkaulah yang maha besar dan berkuasa...ku mencintaimu...

Thursday, June 18, 2009


It's simple,......

One of the prices of "leadership" in any industry is criticism.

Here's a question for you...

When spectators watch a race, where do they focus their

On the front-runners!

VERY few people pay any attention to those who are not in
the lead or "out of the running." Those who are viewed as
being out of the running are often ignored or dismissed....

...But when you're "out in front" and "ahead of the crowd,"
everything you do attracts attention. Plain and simple.

When a person know that you’d done better than them..its simple ..
they get jealous...and that is exactly what's happened. This didn't
happen overnight. What i'd done is not that small...
This is years in the making and hundreds
of thousands of dollars invested.

Naturally, our competitors aren't real happy. How could they
be? Some are even downright jealous...and that's actually
pretty sad.

We knew if we wanted to "be" the leaders, we would need
to get used to criticism, because when you are extremely
successful, you WILL be criticized. Plain and simple.

Now you know ....

Certain people will always find something to be unhappy
about. Those are the ones you want to stay FAR away from
and those are the people you never, EVER want to go into
business with.

Let's make Malay to move forward...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

A.N.D.A.I.N.Y.A B.I.S.A. A.K.U. A.K.H.I.R.I

Terlalu sunyi keadaan yang aku lalui kini, tiba-tiba aku rasa sedih dan ingin menangis...aku sudah tidak biasa dengan kesunyian...lalu jiwa menjadi hambar...biarlah...aku tuliskan...

Sudah lama aku tidak mencoret kata hati bual bicara jiwa yang setentunya memendam sejuta perasaan sakit, manis, suka dan duka. Sudah lama juga tidak ku rasakan sakit sebegini. Bilaku kenang kembali, selama 2 bulan kebelakang aku berperang dengan banyak keadaan, kesempitan dan kekurangan, aku benar-benar rasa sedih dan inilah dugaan dan percaturan hidup yang harus aku lalui....

aku baru saja ingin membina istana idaman mahkota impian yang selama ini aku ingin capai...namun hasad dan dengki manusia menguasai alam...mengapa mesti? mengapa harus aku? hati bertanya namun kata tidak terluah untuk membentang segalanya....apakah ini yang akan aku hadapi untuk sekian kalinya dan seterusnya?

namun syukur...aku punya seseorang yang memahamiku....selain mama dan papa...ada insan yang cuba selalu ingin mengerti apa yang aku lalui...dikesempatan ini aku ingin ucapkan terima kasih kerna hatiku masih berhutang dengan kalimat tersebut....aku masih belum sempat berbicara puas dengannya...terima kasih kerana memahami...suatu masa aku pasti didekatmu membantumu....

kini aku hanya berdoa semoga ALLAH akan tetap membantuku dan semoga percaturan hidupku akan menjadi lebih baik dan kesenangan dapati aku capai...apakah masih ada kesempatan untuk aku meneguk sedikit kebahagian? ....

........ hatiku terus bertanya laluku menangis....


Bagai bintang hilang cahayanya
Bagai malam bulannya tiada
Hatiku merindu
Menangis pilu...

Anak mata nampak berkaca
airmata jatuh tiada
puas sudah hati terluka
sakit sudah jiwa menderita
meraung sudah jiwa dan lara
kesakitan bagai tiada sudahnya

Ku tulis sudah hutang bicara
ku hitung sudah kurangnya cinta
ku luah sudah isi segala
bagaikan faham mengerti tiada

bilakah kan datang kesenangan
bilakan tiba kemudahan
sedangkan bintang cahaya menghilang
inikan pula sabarnya orang

masihku tunggu tibanya masa
masa bahagia bersama-sama
masihku kenang duka yang lama
agar kau ingat susah kita bersama.....

Friday, April 17, 2009

Saturday, February 21, 2009


When there is problem, we tend to write something for ourselves, just to release the tension that is building up in our soul. WHY? Because no one is always there for you..just like me...i tend to write my problems on a piece of peaceful coloured paper or a white clear board or whatever i got in hand when i got problem coz i feel that there is only one who always there for me...ALLAH..

I know:

There are friends beside me when i m happy...where are them when im sad,when im drown in a rough i need to find someone new to listen to me? to understand me? to hug me? where are them? do they let me die?

There are friends always at my back...when im happy there are lots of words to say, ...while im in problems, a sentence is hard to spell out,maybe the easiest is to say "be patience", "i don't know how to help,just face it"

There are friends, a lot, many, too much to be listed...when i want to organize something great...but when i failed...hard to see them around...where? where?

With this, it makes a definition of TRUE FRIENDSHIP difficult to some degree, its definition is inappropriate...not applicable.

i dont mind sharing anything, i never say it got limitation for you my friends...all i have is for you..for us...i dont mind ...coz i need you...

let me put my soul in peace...i dont want chaos conquer my world...let the path i want to walk to clearer than hurts...i cried and then i realized my soul wrote this for you..

as i look around me.....

My mind full of questions,
My world full of chaos,
Whom do I turn to?
Why do I ask?
Do i have someone?
or do i lost everyone?

Then I recall
‘All lies within me’,
And I turn to myself
To guide me on the right path.

I drop away from my surroundings
Am surrounded by peace,
I listen to what my soul has to say
And connect with my pass on how i can survive till today,
Then there is are stronger than yesterday

I am lost to the world,
Nothing, nobody now exists,
I can hear
Only my inner voice.

Some quiet time passes by
I mull over what I want,
What troubles me?
Is saying right thing is wrongdoing?

Slowly, one by one,
All answers come to me,
My mind is now less clouded,
The path I need to walk much clearer…

With this, i only hope you understand me...

all from my heart,

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Sejarah hidupku masih tetap perlu diukir...selaginya nafas belum terhenti,selaginya nadi masih bergerak, selaginya langkah masih bisaku hayun, selaginya mata masih belum buta,selaginya telinga masih belum tuli, catatan hidup masih bisa berlegar sebagai cerita hati bicara jiwa.

Belumpun sempat aku mendewasakan pengalaman, kepayahan hidup sering saja menerpa. Hujan yang bagaikan mengerti kesuraman bicaranya hati terus saja membasahi rumah usang tempat sekalian keluargaku berlindung. Apakah ini dugaan yang harus aku tempuh melihat mereka tinggal dalam sebuah syurga binaan ayahnda dalam kebinasaan. Hujan yang membanjiri kawasan dalam istana berteduh kini ditenggelami air. Menangis hati melihat keadaan yang tidak mungkin bisa dipulihkan, dibaikkan. Nyawa kami masih saja tetap tabah menempuh segalanya.

Olehkerana keadaan rumah yang kurang selesa sering dibanjiri, ayah memohon untuk pindah kerumah lama yang agak kecil. Sejarah dulu bagai diputar semula. Aku kini berada di dalam rumah yang pernah aku diami dulu kawasannya masih belum banyak berubah, tetap sama dan ia banyak mengimbau kenangan lepas. Tapi aku bersyukur dengan apa yang ada. Aku percaya ALLAH mengatur percaturan hidupku yang lebih baik dan sempurna. Ada dugaan adalah hikmah. Bilaku sedar dari angan, air jernih membasahi pipiku, jiwaku meraung, hatiku terpukul, suara hatiku berbisik...Dugaan ini pastikan berakhir..aku menangis..

Monday, January 12, 2009


Gangsterism seems new for our country but as a matter of fact it has exist here a long time ago. Their existence is not as bad in other developed country.

Gangsterism is common in a developing nation such as Malaysia even here nowadays in Brunei and we have heard a lot about it occurring in schools. It has been reported that in developed countries, schoolchildren are increasingly involved in gangs.

To curb this social ill, parents, educators and society at large should be aware of what is going on among our youths. Though there are various psychological and physical factors that cause a person to choose to become a gang member, here are some basic suggestions for parents/guardians to help nurture their children with love and respect.

Providing the children with a good spiritual and moral background and courage the children to get involved in extracurricular activities and sports at school are some of the ways to teach them on the moral value. Since Bruneian are rich as what outsidersalways said, paents need to teach their children with the value of money; do not spoil them with a big allowance. Set a curfew for your children so they don’t come home too late at night or in the wee hours of the morning.

AMAH is not a solution when your life get so busy. So be aware of changes in your children whether it’s their behaviour or attitude also take interest in your children’s friends to ensure that they are in good company. Luckily in Bnei there is no discos,so it makes work easier but due to the famous places for hangouts like snooker and gaming centres, always need to put your eyes on them. The simplest thing to do is do a spot-check on the place your child frequents and keep your children away from gambling dens, and places that gangsters frequent.

Gangsters are a threat to society and you can be considered a gangster if you are involved in any of these activities:

Extort money from shop owners, hawkers and the like, Receive payment for threatening others or to beat someone up, Protect/cover-up gambling, prostitution, and drug trafficking syndicates,Ransom people for money,Be a part of organised crime,Force anyone to join a gang and its illegal activities,Attend a gang’s swearing-in ceremony and Engage in “table talk” or a fight with other gang members.

Some of the Gang activities

Hurt, injure or cause bodily harm to those who refuse to join the gang.
Collect money from new recruits.
Extort “protection money” from businesses.
Collect “protection money” from entertainment, prostitution and gambling dens.
Beat people up or destroy property of those who refuse to follow the gang’s commands.
Fight with another gang for a “territory”.
Kidnap those who are wealthy for ransom.
Manufacture and store dangerous weapons.
Get paid to collect debts.

As a wrap up, if any of you do not want to see our youth getting worst, lets together fight aganst gangsterism. oh ya....ast saturday i went to Tamu Selera and i saw a group of young boys went to a school boy from SOAS and had a fight. They kicked, punched and hrew plastic chairs to the school boy. I was guilty for not being able to elp him....(apa jua dayaku, kudrat akak lemah..hahahaha. Actually i was shocked with that...the question is WHAT HAPPENs TO OUR YOUNG BRUNEIAN NOWADAYS?????

Thursday, January 8, 2009


When talking about money, everyone wants to get a lot of cash but do everyone knows how to get money? yes you can work all day and complaint all you had done at are tired and so on. In the world of McDonalisation, internet plays an important role and money is easy to get...internet put eavrything all in becomes an information sources, entertainment pipelines as well as cash machines.Knowing all these, i always try anything on internet that i believed a true source of money making programme to get a lot of cash.

Currently i joined webprosperity and i will only sit and watch my money headache..its all there...its only 5 days left for you to register and on 13th January 2009...more than 62,000 members are going to compete to lock for their position.Just sign up and lets earn trying coz i know nowadays the MOST POWERFUL source of money is O.N.L.I.N.E.M.O.N.E.Y

anyone interested to join the money making programme (i would call cash machine)...just sign up the LINK below...its F.R.E.E and we will fight to lock and gain moneyon 13th January 2009. there is no loss tho.

lets make money .. $$$

Good Luck..IF you have many credits to settle..why not you join this programme.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


If ALLAH permits me to get what i dreamt for, with the verse of Kun Fayakun i will get it...i hope there is nothing bad or evenworst in future happening to me...i plan to give these services in my new saloon ..











and many more...anything else come to your mind, please share it with me ...TQ

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Guess what is going to be there..if ALLAH permits me to have will be there..coz i always rememeber where there is a will there is a way..i'm hoping that everyone will be there...time is running OUT...i hope everything will be PERFECT

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